Party Members


Current Party Members:

Ash Bowstryng - Shifter Ranger
Lucas - Goliath Barbarian
Untiln Ow - Kalashtar Cleric
Zah'rie - Human Warlock
Zephel - Shadar-kai Swordmaster


Guest Party Members:

Harann - Dragonborn Fighter
Zoloft - Deva Psion


Former Party Members (in order of departure):

Rock - Dwarf Warlord, retired in Brindol to open up a brothel (RaR).

Blake - Deva Cleric, retired in Brindol to tend to the needs of its people (RaR).

Bullroarer - Halfling Warden, retired to the wilds (RaR).

Beena - Elf Ranger, retired to the wilds to recover from the carnage and death she saw at the Monastery of the Sundered Chain (SoBW).

Giagantor - Goliath Rogue, retired to places unknown, presumably to continue his search for his long lost daughter (SoBW).