Aerun (Captain)
Details: Head Gatecaptain of the City Watch.
Details: An accomplished dwarf alchemist, kidnapped and beaten by the hobgoblins at Rivenroar. Rescued and returned to Brindol.
Bram Ironfell
Details: Dwarf, senior partner in the Elsir Consortium.
Cadrick (Elder)
Details: Elder on the Council of Overlook.
Durkik Forgeheart
Details: High Ancestor of Moradin. Introduced by Elder Cadrick at the start of SoBW. Led the forces at the Watch in SoBW.
Eofrram Troyas
Details: Councilmember Eofrram Troyas is a new addition to the council of Brindol. As such, he is less prone to the traditional means of accomplishing important tasks (that is, he can get things done without getting bogged down in politics). He has established a reputation as an outspoken, and sometimes combative, public figure.
Farstriders (Group)
Details: Led by Edgar Sommerfield, a warlord of some fame, the Farstriders are far and above the most successful adventuring party in Elsir Vale at the start of SoBW. They’ve slain a black dragon, ousted a nest of kobolds, and even undertaken an expedition into the Shadowfell. They all died at the hands of Tusk's forces during the assault of The Nexus.
Members: Edgar Sommerfield, twin elf rangers Uulath and Reiner, Jen (half-elf warlock), and Corben (human fighter).

Details: The Freeriders formed up six months ago in Elsir’s Crossing. They left the small community and headed east, where they dealt with a foul cabal of cultists in an isolated town called Beacon. After, they returned to Brindol for some down time and learned of the impending threat from Tusk's forces. Assisted in defending Bordrin's Watch.
Members: Megan Swiftblade, Ragnum Dourstone, Sylen Leafrunner, Ghena Tenson, Madrick
Details: AKA Thorn, elven mercenary. Eyepatch over one eye, bristling with weapons.
Details: Half-elf acolyte of Ioun, trained in arcane and healing arts. Kidnapped by Sinruth's hobgoblins. Rescued and returned to Brindol.
Details: Dwarven paladin, last survivor of the Monstery of the Sundered Fist. Assisted and died on the assault on the Nexus (SoBW).
Details: Former Captain of the Brindol town guard, killed by Sinruth's troops, father of Thurann. Body recovered and returned for burial in Brindol.
Lost Ones (Group)
Details: Thieves guild of Overlook.
Details: A timid human woman, she is a cook at the Pantashi Inn in Brindol. Kidnapped by Sinruth's hobgoblins. Rescued and returned to Brindol.
Details: Dark Creeper, weapons smuggler.
Details: This shadar kai witch is Tusk’s occasional lover and advisor. Killed during the assault on The Nexus.
Prashant and Ausma
Details: Retired paladins and owners of the Happy Beggar.
Details: Half-elf ranger, sister of Jen from the Farstriders. Joined up with the party during SRoU.
Details: Hobgoblin leader of the new Red Hand of Doom, evoking the memory of the mighty army that ran across the land like a scythe 40 years ago. Killed by adventurers (RaR).
Details: A formal elderly man, he is Castellan of the Hall of Great Valor. He also served in the army that fought against the Red Hand 40 years ago. Kidnapped by Sinruth's hobgoblins. Rescued and returned to Brindol.
Details: Lost Ones under-boss.
Details: Son of the guard captain Kartenix, kidnapped by Sinruth's hobgoblins. Rescued and returned to Brindol.
Details: Leader of the orc armies. Not a true orc, he has the blood of ogres in his veins, which makes him larger, tougher, and eminently more dangerous. Having slaughtered half a dozen orc chieftains, he drew together the unruly tribes to mount an offensive against Bordrin’s Watch to lay claim to the soft lands beyond its walls. Presumed killed during assault on The Nexus (SoBW).
Details: A naturally cranky human woman, everyone in Brindol thinks Zerriksa is a witch, but she’s really just a talented herbalist. Kidnapped by Sinruth's hobgoblins. Rescued and returned to Brindol.