Active members of the "Skills dat Killz" adventuring party:
Beena - Elf Ranger
Gigantor - Goliath Rogue (*taking care of "personal business" in Brindol*)
Lucas - Goliath Barbarian
Zah'rie - Human Warlock
Zephel - Shadar-kai Swordmage
Active Quests:
Main Quest: Siege! Do your part to prepare for the impending siege by completing assignments. Upon assignment completion or changed situations, report back for new assignments.
Minor Quest: Evacuation! Travel to the Monestary of the Sundered Chain; warn of the impending siege and evacuate the monks and paladins.

After days at the tavern, the party was also introduced to a Warlock named Zah'rie. The conversation went something like this:
"Hey you look like adventurers."
"Yeah, we could use another for our party; you down?"
"Absolutely I am."
Warlocks don't take much convincing and are pretty easy going, I guess.

Almost immediately after recieving the message, the Freeriders quickly gathered their things and made for the town gates. Eager for the prospect of adventure, and likely anxious to do their part in contributing to the security of the Elsir Vale, Skillz dat Killz also made preparations to leave. Being a little new to this whole "adventuring" thing, it took our party a few more hours to be ready to go.

It was noted that all the weapons employed by the orc warband bore an unusual black arrow insignia. Even stranger still was that so many orcs were found so close to Overlook. While the caravan masters were unfortunately already slain before the party stumbled across them, the orcs had not yet managed to break open the strongbox that the caravan was transporting. After inspecting the strongbox it was determined that it belonged to the Elsir Consortium, in Overlook. The cart animal had been scared off as its body was nowhere nearby; the cart was pulled by hand the rest of the way west into Overlook.

With some directions, the party was able to find the offices of the Elsir Consortium. Receiving the party personally on behlaf of the consortium was a dwarf named Bram Ironfell, a senior partner. The party was thanked and questioned about how fate had placed them in a position to recover such important property; the party replied by explaining how they had come to answer the call to arms. To assist the adventurers, Bram gave them his recommendation that way they would be allowed into High Hall to meet with those responsible for defending Bordrin's Watch, Overlook, and the whole of the Elsir Vale.

Moments after entering the lobby area of High Hall, the many in attendance were permitted to enter further into a large meeting chamber. All manner of able-bodies were represented: mercenaries, adventurers, tacticians, each in groups of all sizes. Skillz dat Killz was beckoned over by their friends from Brindol, the Freeriders. Also in attendance were other famous adventuring and mercenary parties including the Farstriders, the Green Hand, the Slayers, and the Company of Wolves. Of additional mention was a solo mercenary named Gilgathorn aka Thorn. This elf was more obviously armed than some of the larger parties in the room. His features were striking and distinct; he had a patch over one eye and more than a few intimidating scars.

What started as a routine shakedown ended as a defeat for the thugs. The mage was slain as were all but one of the others. Despite having seen four of his allies killed, the fifth thug remained defiant. After a short interrogation, this member of the Lost Ones (a local thieving

Having left Overlook, the party made efforts to navigate to the Monastery of the Sundered Chain. Traveling up the mountain and off the beaten path was difficult at night. Exhausted and a little demoralized, the party did finally arrive about the moment the sun began to rise.
Other adventuring bands of note:
- Megan Swiftblade - human fighter, Ragnum Dourstone - dwarf cleric, Sylen Leafrunner - elf ranger, Ghena Tenson - human wizard, Madrick - gnome rogue.
- Formed about 6 months ago in Elsir's Crossing.
- Have one decisive victory versus a cabal of cultists in the town of Beacon.
- Edgar Sommerfield - human warlord, Uulath and Reiner - twin elf rangers, Jen - half-elf warlock, Corben - human fighter.
- Most renowned adventuring party in the Elsir Vale. Have overcome many significant challenges including having wiped out tribes of savage humanoids, recovered fabled relics, and even slain a black dragon.
- Are proud of their successes and see themselves as the best adventuring party.
Coming next week: information about various religions and deities you've heard mention of, more information on Overlook, some history about the region, and maybe some other useful stuff.
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