Beena - Elf Ranger
Blake The Graduate - Deva Cleric
Bullroarer - Threequarterling Warden
Gigantor - Goliath Barbarian (*On Lookout Duty*)
Lucas - Goliath Barbarian
Rock Shroomslayer - Dwarf Fighter
Active Quests:
Main Quest: Rescue! Ascertain the fate of the following and escort any survivors back to Brindol.
- Jalissa (Status: Unknown)
- Sertanian (Status: Unknown)
- Thurann (Status: Unknown)
- Mirtala (Status: Unknown)
- Zerriska (Status: Unknown)
- Adronsius (Status: Unknown)
- Kartenix (Status: Unknown)
- Ornate, gilded dragoncrest helm (Status: Not yet recovered)
- Ceremonial platinum longsword (Status: Not yet recovered)
- Set of 3 shields, each with Red Hand insignia, each with a charred hole near the center (Status: Not yet recovered)
- Set of iron gauntlets with extensive filigree (Status: Not yet recovered)
- Heraldic battle standard depicting two hands clasped in a handshake (Status: Not yet recovered)
Cleared Areas:
- Chamber of Flame Unbound
- Goblin Warren
- Mushroom Chamber

Travel was uneventful; it was fortunate that the kruthik nest was close to the hobgoblin's base of operations (and even closer to their trail). Within a pair of hours, they spotted a structure upon a small hill; it was the ruined Castle Rivenroar. After a moment of indecision, the party decided it would be more prudent to begin the skull cracking than to explore the perimeter; the party entered via the large front door. Gigantor remained outside the entrance as a lookout for the party.

After starting the brazier mechanism, the welcoming committee jumped into action; their flails of friendship did swing; their arrows of amistad did fly; the benevolent braziers did lovingly lob the conflagrations of camaraderie - it was a most excellent exhibition of wonderful welcoming (yaywelcomingparty!). The party members responded in kind with many polite expressions of violence. Midway though the fight, immediately after knocking a hobgoblin into a brazier, Bullroarer closed the door that had been propped open; this caused the braziers to return to their starting position and cease movement. After much bloodshed, and eager for information, the last of the welcoming committee was subdued so that he could be interrogated.

Content with the interrogation, but dissatisfied with the goblin's face, Rock shattered the goblin's hand. Realizing that he would never again be able to play the clarinet, and unwilling to go on that way, the goblin gave up the ghost (3 strikes, guys).

Turning sharply to the north, the hallway soon opened into another chamber with doors to the north and west; this room was filled with even more goblinoids than the previous. Perhaps this was another welcoming party. Lucas entertained his curiousity for internal biology (yaybisectedhobgoblin?) by cleanly slicing the larger of the hobgoblins in two from head to toe (yaybisectedhobgoblin!). The other hobgoblins fell quickly to the attacks of the other players.
Utilizing the ropes hanging from the ceiling directly above the pit, Bullroarer crossed to find himself face to face with both goblin sharpshooters. Better said, they immediately found themselves face to face with their doom. Other party members also managed to cross the pit, which caused the goblins to run. Escape was too good for them, however, as they both met their end in the dark hallway. (Who tossed the torch?) tossed their torch down the pit to see how far down it went, which appeared to be about 20 feet.

The room was littered with architectural debris and fungal growth covered most of the floor and some of the walls. Some of the growth was bioluminescent, offering a dim light which filled the large chamber. Normally hidden, but made curious by the sound of the chamber floor breaking Rock's fall, two rage drakes peered over some debris to investigate.

The party cautiously moved to engage the rage drakes, while the rage drakes only waited. Almost immediately the party realized that some of the mushrooms were of some unusual varieties. While the cloudspores, shrieker mushrooms, doomspores, and slumberspores added a level of excitement to the goings on, the heroes just couldn't be stopped by them.
Meeting the rage drakes first was Bullroarer, who they tried to surround. In this, they were not successful as the rest of the party also met them in the middle, with Lucas flanking from the south. It was Lucas who, with the strength of one hundred firemen, made some incredibly decisive blows on one of the rage drakes, and arguably killed it single-handedly.

The final blow on the last rage drake was dealt by Blake, which for some reason was significant enough to warrant the gods bestowing him the title 'The Graduate'. Maybe the administrators of his cleric school will hang a picture of him in one of the hallways (probably not).

Where are the captives?
Where are the phat loots?
Did you know that you can use stealth to scout ahead and setup surprise rounds?
Which of these shrooms are edible?
lol! Awesome Jim! Keep 'em coming! Not only are your entries hilarious, but it's nice to read them before coming to a game so I can remember what we did and where we are. You rock!