Beena - Elf Ranger
Blake The Luminescent - Deva Cleric
Bullroarer - Threequarterling Warden
Gigantor - Goliath Barbarian
Lucas - Goliath Barbarian
Rock Shroomslayer - Dwarf Warlord
Active Quests:
Main Quest: Rescue! Ascertain the fate of the following and escort any survivors back to Brindol.
- Jalissa (Status: Unknown)
- Sertanian (Status: Unknown)
- Thurann (Status: Unknown)
- Mirtala (Status: Unknown)
- Zerriska (Status: Alive, Freed, Awaiting escort to Brindol)
- Adronsius (Status: Unknown)
- Kartenix (Status: Unknown)
- Ornate, gilded dragoncrest helm (Status: Not yet recovered)
- Ceremonial platinum longsword (Status: Not yet recovered)
- Set of 3 shields, each with Red Hand insignia, each with a charred hole near the center (Status: Not yet recovered)
- Set of iron gauntlets with extensive filigree (Status: Not yet recovered)
- Heraldic battle standard depicting two hands clasped in a handshake (Status: Not yet recovered)
Cleared Rooms:
- Chamber of Flame Unbound
- Goblin Warren
- Mushroom Chamber
- Portal Room
- Von Urstadt Crypt

As they approached the woman turned to meet their gaze. Cautiously the party hailed the woman before approaching too closely. It was Zerriska, the crone of Brindol who had been taken captive. After having threatened to use her magic on her captors, they imprisoned her in a sort of arcane cell. The arcane etchings caused an invisible wall of force to surround the circle, from the floor to the ceiling.

Initial attempts to deactivate the arcane cell proved ineffective; actually touching the barrier not only caused the object touching it to be strongly forced outward, contact with a body part caused significant pain. Beena was the first to notice that the barrier did occasionally flicker for less than a second, but nothing useful came of it.

Zerriska, instead of thanking her rescuers, was more than a little rude to them, repeatedly querying them as to when she would be taken back to Brindol. After a few minutes of unfriendly conversation, she agreed to wait in the first room of Rivenroar.

Retracing steps back west through the makeshift goblin barracks and into the hallway directly above the mushroom chamber (the hallway with the pits), the adventures cut west and through another double doorway. The room was lit, but the source of the light was initially unknown. Walking just a little ways south in the room revealed the image of a grim castle set in a swamp somewhere far away.
It appeared to be a portal, but any object that passed through it would pass straight through and arrive on the other side. After a few moments of examining, something began to come through the image; the portal was still active on the other side!

While the fight with the lone ochre jelly raged on, two specters materialized and engaged the party from behind. While a couple of party members turned onto the specters, the rest focused on the jelly. The unexpected happened when the ochre jelly split into two. To complicate their lives further, the specters disappeared when attacked and showed up just moments later in an even more advantageous position.

Satisfied that it was safe to move on, the party headed through the west doors in the portal room; on the other side was a hairpin hallway which turned north, then east. This hallway dumped right into a new room, this one with burial alcoves set into the walls.

Eager to investigate the open doors, Bullroarer and Gigantor ran past the magma claws to find 2 gnomes holding the doors open. The gnomes shut the doors to defend themselves but were cut down only moments later.

One gnome was slain outright; the other was knocked unconscious altogether and set against a wall. Considering the room now safe to explore, some began to explore the alcoves, while others examined the inscriptions on the walls and ceiling. An inscription on the east wall read "Hail Von Urstadts! Ascend with Glory!” while a dust covered fresco on the western wall depicts knights riding pegasi into the clouds. After a few minutes of admiring these features of the room, the gnome who had been knocked out came to silently, and quickly made an escape into the east hallway(rope tying fail).

Where did that gnome run off to?
How many more things do you have to kill to finally get some answers?
Am I remembering all these details close to how it happened? Please let me know so I can fix it if needed.
Did you know that picking shrooms isn't all that Zerriska is good at?
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